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Who is Reina Westberg? Wiki, Bio, Age, Pregnant, Family, Instagram

Reina Westberg Wiki – Reina Westberg Biography

Reina Westberg is an Instagram model with over 33.2K followers on her Instagram account. A leaked video has been circulating on Twitter showing Westberg arguing with another girl on the phone. Westberg seems happy about her pregnancy and the future of her children as she insults the other girls. You can see the video here:

Reina Westberg Age

Reina Westberg’s age is unknown.

Russell Wilson or Richard Sherman got model pregnant

A Twitter thread has made some very serious allegations against Instagram model Queen Westberg and claims about who got her pregnant. After Westberg got into a Twitter feud with another girl, she somehow led to cheating accusations against Russell Wilson and Richard Sherman, the free-agent cornerback.

Apparently many names were added to the mix for no particular reason and Westberg turned out to be another name. It didn’t take long for people’s attention to shift to the model after allegations of romance with Seattle Seahawks superstar Wilson and/or Sherman. So who is Reina Westberg?

There are many rumors circulating online now that the father of the baby in Westberg’s video could be Richard Sherman, the free-agent cornerback. She last played for the San Francisco 49ers in 2020.

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“There is a thread here accusing Russell Wilson of allegedly cheating and getting a woman pregnant. The Wilsons appear to be the type who would sue for defamation. Good luck everyone” wrote one user. Another user corrected them: “Actually, this is Richard Sherman.”

“Hi @reinawestberg, would you mind telling us which married man you slept with to get pregnant?” wrote a user. They added: “I see you hid the pregnancy until I confronted you about it @reinawestberg. Now everyone is on social media showing their baby shower.” They continued, “Which athlete did you catch in Seattle to get that baby @reinawestberg? Or were you old enough to have a normal guy get you pregnant?” adding, “@reinawestberg don’t ignore me either U said you’d reveal everything soon The baby shower is the reveal Who’s daddy Reina? Who did you catch ?!”

The harassment didn’t stop. “Don’t think I don’t know who dad @reinawestberg is. You’re a stupid trollope and I’ll make sure the world knows it. You know your obsession is sick and real and you need help. Let me help you help yourself.” . “User wrote:” You’re posting all those quotes from religious leaders. This is unforgivable. God does not like the ugly. Remember what happened to the harlots mentioned in the Bible, @reinawestberg “, adding:” You are here ruining houses. And that baby won’t get the love she deserves because you don’t know how to love or respect anything. Do you think you’re going to get a bag with this ?! the troglodyte bank @reinawestberg “.

The user continued to make further accusations, “I know YOU KNOW EXACTLY who I am @reinawestberg Don’t ignore me like I’m not exposing all aspects of your fucking life … Catching men while underage trains were chasing you in Washington, AZ and Los Angeles Threesomes @reinawestberg “.

Fans on Twitter were curious to see if the initial claims, including the fact that Wilson cheated on his wife and got Westberg pregnant, were true. Some claim that the accusation was false.


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