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Who is Chuck Pankow? Wiki, Biograohy, Age, Fiance Mikaela Spielberg, Career

Chuck Pankow Wiki – Biography

Chuck Pankow is Mikaela Spielberg’s 50-year-old fiance. In February 2020, Mikaela, 23, the sixth child of Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, shocked the world by announcing that she had decided to become a sex worker. Mikael made the confession in an interview with The Sun.

Mikaela also said that her father and mother were okay with her career decision.

Chuck Pankow Age

He is 50 years old.

Fiance Mikaela Spielberg

The first photo of Mikaela and Pankow together appeared on his Instagram page on December 23, 2017. Pankow continued to post photos of the couple through 2018 and 2019. The last photo of the couple on Pankow’s page appeared on May 28, 2019, and showed the pair at Two Foot Old Hickory Lake in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.

A post on Pankow’s Facebook page from February 19, 2020, says that he is in a relationship but does not say who is partner is. Pankow accompanied a photo of he and Mikaela together from August 2018 with the caption, “A year ago today I randomly sat down at the bar and this beautiful human happened to be on the stool next to me. I’m a friendly lad so said “hi there”. It’s been a hell of a year and I’m a happier dude for it!”

During the interview, Mikaela said that she would not do hardcore pornography with another partner due to her relationship with Pankow. Mikaela was quoted as saying, “I think I would be great at fetish work. Honestly, I have hated my chest for so long but I’ve finally learned to embrace it. That was one of the things when I uploaded these first couple of videos, I realized, ‘This is the moneymaker’ – my large chest.” Mikaela continued, “And the reason I don’t want to do anything outside of solo stuff is because I feel like it would be a violation of my boundaries and my relationship with my significant other.”

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Mikaela added that it took Pankow some time to come around to the idea of her doing sex work “because obviously in the South there’s so much shame around that still.” Mikaela went on, “Chuck’s been super supportive, but it took him a while to get to that spot because he wasn’t sure how his social group would react to it. And thus far, it hasn’t been the best, but that was expected because of the environment we live in right now.”


According to a post on Pankow’s Instagram page, he was the 2019 Tennessee State Champion in darts. Pankow’s darts walk-on music is “Country Boy” by Alan Jackson. For his career, Pankow uses Peacemaker 20 Gram darts. Peacemaker is Pankow’s nickname in the sport.

An online profile for Pankow’s counts his quarter-final appearance at the Japan Open in 2013, the WDF Americas Cup Men’s Singles Champion in 2010 and Singles 501 Champion Music City Classic winner in 2008, among his major achievements in darts. That biography says that Pankow has been playing darts since 1989.

Pankow is a native of Ocala, Florida, where he began his other career as an exotic animal trainer. Pankow’s first job was at Jungle Larry’s Caribbean Gardens in Naples, Florida. At the time of writing, Pankow is working as an elephant trainer at Nashville Zoo.


Pankow’s suffered a stroke in December 2019, according to a medical crowdfunding page. That page said that Pankow’s mother was arranging for his care in Ocala, Florida, despite that Pankow is living in Nashville.

The page reads in part, “Chuck has a positive mindset for recovery, but massive ER, hospital, physical rehab and doctors’ bills will soon be arriving. Most who read this know that Chuck has always been very generous to darters in need, so let’s help him in his time of need!” A benefit darts tournament was held for Pankow at Wilhagans in Nashville on January 25.


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