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Who is Anthony Fauci? Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Children, Career, Awards, Family, Net Worth

Anthony Fauci Wiki – Biography

Anthony Fauci is an American immunologist and the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). As he is one of the leading experts in the U.S. on infectious diseases, he has been a frequent presence in the media in the last few weeks due to his interviews on the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Some statements that Dr. Fauci has said in past days over the coronavirus have been in direct contradiction of President Trump’s guidance. Since Vice President Pence has been appointed as the coronavirus czar, Dr. Fauci has had to have his interviews approved by the VP’s office. This has led many public health figures and other politicians to accuse the White House of silencing public health figures.

Although his name is all over the media recently, Fauci has been a key figure in the U.S. public health sphere for decades.

Anthony Fauci Age

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old.

Family and Education

Anthony Fauci was born on December 24, 1940, in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were Stephen A. Fauci and Eugenia A. Fauci, who owned a Brooklyn pharmacy together. His father worked as the pharmacist and Fauci helped out by delivering prescriptions.

He went to high school in New York City and obtained his M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1966. Fauci did his internship and residency with The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center.

Anthony Fauci is a second-generation Italian who said he used to play basketball in high school “in a tough league with very good people,” he told the Financial Times. He said his medical and research career took a turn in 1981. When AIDS cases started appearing, he decided to study that disease.

Wife Christine Grady

Anthony Fauci was married in 1985 to Christine Grady, a nurse and chief of the department of bioethics with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In a 2015 profile in the Financial Times of Dr. Fauci, he is quoted as saying his wife “is a triple threat. She went to school to get her PhD in philosophy, worked.

According to Christine Grady’s profile on the NIH website, she is a nurse-bioethicist and senior investigator serving as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics. Her research focuses on the “ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care providers.”


We met over the bed of a patient.” Fauci and his wife Christine have three daughters, all adults, named Jennifer, Megan and Alison.


The 79-year-old has been the head of NIAID for a long time, becoming director in 1984. As the director, he is responsible for a large portfolio of research on established and emerging diseases. According to his NIAID bio, this includes HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, malaria, Ebola and Zika. He also oversees research on autoimmune disorders like asthma and allergies.

During the HIV/AIDS crisis, he was one of the central architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This plan saved millions of lives in the developing world, according to NIAID. He is also responsible for the NIAID budget, which is estimated at about $5.9 billion for the fiscal year 2020.

Achievements, Awards & Honors

Anthony Fauci is a highly decorated doctor who has contributed significantly to the understanding of humans’ immune responses. He has also developed therapies that have successfully addressed previously fatal inflammatory and immunity diseases, according to his NIAID biography. The profile also states that Fauci is the 41st most cited researcher of all time.

He has received many awards and honors for his work, most notably the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. He was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008 by President George W. Bush for his work on the HIV/AIDS crisis. When President Bush awarded the medal, he said: “For his determined and aggressive efforts to help others live longer and healthier lives, I’m proud to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.”

He has won dozens of other prestigious awards, received honorary doctorate degrees from 45 universities worldwide and has been involved in over 1,300 scientific publications.

The Reality of the Coronavirus & Many Comments Have Contradicted Trump’s

While Trump said that the U.S. would have a shot for coronavirus quite quickly, Fauci said his estimate was that a vaccine wouldn’t be available for a year and a half. While Trump also said that the coronavirus will soon disappear, Fauci shared that he thought the world was on the verge of a pandemic.

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In reality, Fauci told Politico that there is a large range in what could happen next: “It could be really, really bad. I don’t think it’s gonna be, because I think we’d be able to do the kind of mitigation. It could be mild. I don’t think it’s going to be that mild either. It’s really going to depend on how we mobilize.”

In a March 8 interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” available below, he said there were some missteps with the coronavirus testing early on but their testing capacity is growing quickly now. He also said that elderly people with underlying health conditions should be limiting their travel and their exposure to large crowds. His interview is available here:

In an interview with Politico, Fauci shared the difficulties of advising the president of the U.S. He said: “You should never destroy your own credibility. And you don’t want to go to war with a president,” he continued. “But you got to walk the fine balance of making sure you continue to tell the truth.”

When the White House appointed VP Pence as the coronavirus czar, government health officials and scientists, including Fauci, were asked to get all statements and public appearances cleared by the VP’s office, The New York Times reported. Many said this was an attempt by the government to control or muzzle scientists, but Fauci explained to Politico that he wasn’t being muzzled.

Things Will ‘Get Worse Before They Get Better

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci, has shared his thoughts on the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the United States. He was interviewed by MSNBC and he gave an update on where the country was in terms of the pandemic.

Fauci said, “With regards to the virus itself, the next few weeks for most Americans, is obviously what you’re going to see is an acceleration of cases. There’s no doubt about it, because that’s how these outbreaks work.”

When talking about what would happen if a country doesn’t put in measures like travel bans and isolation of cases, Fauci explained, “When you look at the historical perspective of these type of outbreaks, they go along like this,” Fauci simulated a graph with his hand.

The graph he described, of the amount of people infected by the coronavirus, showed a steady horizontal line of cases at the beginning. He explained, “then they start to come up, and then they take a big spike. They peak and [then] they come down.”

He continued, “If you try and interfere — either by preventing an influx of cases from the outside like with travel bans, which we’re doing, as well as containment, and mitigation, the kinds of things of physical separation of people — what you hope to do is to get that peak [to] become a little bit of a hump.”

Fauci reiterated that the “hump” still means that a lot of people could contract COVID-19, but “hopefully it will be much, much less than the major peaks.”

Dr. Fauci then shared what he believes the next three weeks will look like for Americans in terms of the coronavirus.

The director of NIAID said, “Two things we are looking for. [First,] things are going to get worse before they get better, but [second] what’s happening now with many more tests that are going out very, very shortly. With people now very seriously taking containment and mitigation into effect, hopefully we will be able to blunt that peak. That’s what I see in the next few weeks.”

Why Wasn’t Dr. Anthony Fauci at Today’s White House Coronavirus Press Conference?

During the White House press conference briefing on Wednesday, one person was noticeably absent, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases Director. As one of the leading experts in the U.S. on infectious diseases, he has been a frequent presence in the media in the last few weeks due to his interviews on coronavirus.

“Where is Dr. Fauci?” was a huge question being asked on social media following the press briefing on March 18, as his words of advice during these uncertain times have become a source of comfort to the nation. Thankfully, the worst fears are not to be — Katie Miller, the Vice President’s press secretary said, “He’s at the NIH [National Institue of Health]. He asked for a day at the office instead of the White House. He joined the task force this morning via phone.”

It’s reassuring to those worried about his absence to know Dr. Fauci does not have coronavirus, as it was a theory starting to speculate on Twitter.

Way before the President announced American to be in a state of “national emergency,” and while Trump delivers false promises saying that every citizen who wants a COVID-19 test can get one — Dr. Fauci has been there to jump in and candidly speak to the nation with the facts of coronavirus.

The reason Dr. Fauci continues to be the voice of reason throughout the coronavirus pandemic is that every statement he’s made on COVID-19 and how American needs to respond accordingly has proved right and true.

On March 14, Dr. Fauci said, “With regards to the virus itself, the next few weeks for most Americans, is obviously what you’re going to see is an acceleration of cases. There’s no doubt about it because that’s how these outbreaks work.”

While it’s not an easy statement to make during these unprecedented times of self-quarantine and recommended “social distancing” which has turned America into an unrecognizable state of being in less than a week, Dr. Fauci is serving it straight.

“Two things we are looking for. [First,] things are going to get worse before they get better,” he announced. “But [second] what’s happening now with many more tests that are going out very, very shortly. With people now very seriously taking containment and mitigation into effect, hopefully, we will be able to blunt that peak. That’s what I see in the next few weeks.”

For those still doubting the success of social distancing, Dr. Fauci was able to clearly explain how this process works to the American people. As the number of those infected by COVID-19 continues to rise he said that this is normal. “They start to come up, and then they take a big spike. They peak and [then] they come down.”

“If you try and interfere — either by preventing an influx of cases from the outside like with travel bans, which we’re doing, as well as containment, and mitigation, the kinds of things of physical separation of people — what you hope to do is to get that peak [to] become a little bit of a hump.”

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