Were Military Dogs Left Behind in Afghanistan
A photo of dogs in cages with people on social media claiming it shows U.S. military dogs left behind in Afghanistan. But it’s true? No, it’s not.
The US military has denied leaving military dogs in Afghanistan, but there is an effort by a nonprofit organization to remove dogs from Kabul.
“To correct erroneous reports, the United States Armed Forces did not leave any dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport, including reported military working dogs. The photos circulating online were animals in the care of the Kabul Small Animal Rescue, not dogs in our care, “said the Pentagon Press Secretary. John Kirby tweeted.
Snopes explained“These dogs were largely owned by Afghans, embassy employees and independent defense contractors who were unable to take their animals with them when they were evacuated.”
Military Working Dog Team Support Association, a non-profit organization, wrote on Facebook: “We are 100% certain that there are no US military working dogs stranded in Kabul. Zero. The United States military did not leave a single MWD behind. We share your anger, frustration and sadness to learn that a dog was abandoned, but at this time, we cannot verify what day this photo was taken or who is ultimately responsible for these dogs. What we can verify is that these are NOT US military working dogs that are being abandoned in Kabul. ”
The Kabul Small Animal Rescue has been trying to get cats and dogs to safety
What is Kabul Small Animal Rescue? According to their website, “Kabul Small Animal Rescue is a veterinary clinic and non-profit organization that has been helping animals in Afghanistan for over 1 year.”
“Kabul Small Animal Rescue is dedicated to providing safe and healthy housing options for its rescue partners, who assist international adoptions of Afghan dogs and cats. Through their veterinary clinic, they provide high-quality medical care for the dogs they own, as well as veterinary care, boarding and adoption options for injured or orphaned stray animals. Their primary goal is to provide a homelike environment for the animals in their care, so they employ overnight staff to keep their cat’s company and ensure their dogs have several hours of play and socialization every day through groups of the monitored game “.
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NPR reported In late August, this group was trying to “raise funds at least $ 1.5 million for a cargo plane that can airlift more than 200 dogs and cats, rescue organization personnel, and their families out of the capital. in a safe way”.
The article says the animals were abandoned by Afghans and embassy workers, as well as local rescue groups and defense contractors.
Kabul Small Animal Rescue Group asks people to stop ‘tweeting on CENTCOME’ and the State Department
On August 29, the Kabul Small Animal Rescue Group wrote: “❗ There are A LOT of things going around right now that are true, false and / or outdated. It has been a busy and stressful day. We see them and choose not to comment. We will explain everything soon as we work on this evacuation effort❗ #operationhercules. ”
The group also tweeted: “We are working with our contacts. Stop tweeting at CENTCOM, the State Department, others, etc. We have an incredible team working hard right now and focusing where we need it. Thanks.”
On August 29, they wrote: “Things keep changing and progressing and changing again by the minute. We have the attention of those we need right now. Thank you very much for taking us to this point. ”
On August 29, they wrote: “We are exhausted on the fourth day of airport chaos. It has been difficult for everyone and we have had some success, but we have a long way to go and little time. We hope to do our best to move the staff and animals. We are forever grateful for all the help. #OperationHercules “.