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Who is Tomeka Hart? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Career, Net Worth, Twitter

Tomeka Hart Wiki – Biography

Tomeka Hart, a former board member for Memphis City Schools and Shelby County Schools, opened up about her time and efforts as the head juror for the Stone trial in a social media post Wednesday night. She lives in Washington, D.C. area and works as a senior program officer at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tomeka Hart Age

Tomeka Hart age is unknown.

Who is Tomeka Hart?

Prior to serving on the jury in the Stone case, Hart was known in Memphis for her achievements in education advocacy in the city.

In a former Commercial Appeal interview, Hart expressed her belief that Memphis’ greatest, untapped resource resided in the city’s young people.

“We need to capitalize on the potential of our young people by nurturing, preparing and supporting them in taking on leadership roles,” Hart said. “It has long been said that Memphis is on the edge of greatness. It is time we get off the edge, and step right into the thick of the greatness that awaits us. Our young people play a big role in helping us get there.”

Hart was raised in the Frayser community, and from 2005 to 2013, she served on the Memphis City Schools board, including a term as board president, according to archives.

She also served as the vice president of African-American Community Partnerships with Teach for America three years from 2012 until 2015, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Hart also sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 9th Congressional District of Tennessee in 2012.

After Teach for America, Hart then served a stint as the vice president over the strategic partnerships division of Southern Education Foundation, an Atlanta-based nonprofit entity that researches and proposes policies for education equality.

She is currently a senior program officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and serves on the First 8 board in Memphis, which manages funding and vision for early childhood education in Shelby County.

Career and Education

And Hart challenged U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen in the 2012 Democratic primary in the 9th Congressional District. She has returned to the city frequently since moving to the nation’s capital, including late last year when she campaigned for Memphis mayoral contender Tami Sawyer.

Hart graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, has an MBA from Kennesaw State and her law degree from the University of Memphis.

Tomeka Hart breaks silence about serving as juror on Roger Stone trial

Former Shelby County Schools board member Tomeka Hart broke her silence Wednesday, Feb. 12, about serving on the jury of Roger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump.

Hart spoke out on Facebook after prosecutors withdrew from the case in protest.

In the Facebook post, Hart said she did not talk about serving as a juror out of concern for her safety. But after the recent news that prosecutors resigned over the Department of Justice calling to reduce Stone’s sentence, she posted online that she “can’t keep quiet any longer.”

Hart confirmed to The Daily Memphian that she wrote the social media post, but she declined an interview. She gave permission to use her post, however.

“I have kept my silence for months. Initially, it was for my safety. Then, I decided to remain silent out of fear of politicizing the matter,” she said in the post.

“But I can’t keep quiet any longer. I want to stand up for Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed, Michael Marando, and Jonathan Kravis – the prosecutors on the Roger Stone trial,” Hart wrote.

“It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors. They acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice. For that, I wanted to speak up for them and ask you to join me in thanking them for their service.”

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, the four federal prosecutors withdrew from the Stone case and at least one resigned from the Department of Justice after they learned the DOJ planned to undercut and reduce their sentencing recommendation for Stone. Stone is scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 20.

Hart served as jury foreperson on a panel of nine women and three men. The jury convicted Stone Nov. 15, 2019, of all seven counts of lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstruction of justice over his involvement involving hacked Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential election, according to a 2019 story in The Washington Post.

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“As foreperson, I made sure we went through every element, of every charge, matching the evidence presented in the case that led us to return a conviction of guilty on all 7 counts,” she said.

Hart said in the post that after the trial, she wasn’t ready to speak out because of threats to expose her identity and attempts to identify her.

“For a moment I was afraid. But I don’t live in fear. It is not my nature to be silent,” she wrote.

Hart applauded her follow juror, Seth Cousins, who wrote a Washington Post Op-Ed piece Nov. 22, 2019, about his experience serving as a juror.

Cousins said in the piece that an African American woman from Tennessee was his “favorite person” on the jury. That woman was Hart.

Hart is no stranger to public service. She is an attorney and served two terms on the Memphis/Shelby County School Board, where she was board president in 2008-2009. In 2010, Hart was the first board member to call for the merger of the county’s two public school systems ahead of a formal proposal by fellow board member Martavius Jones. According to The Daily Memphian.


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