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Who is the suspect of Halloween party shooting in Illinois, 2 dead, more than 12 wounded at


Who is the suspect of Halloween party shooting in Illinois Half of the nearly 200 revelers at a Halloween party in Joliet, outside Chicago, ran out of the house for their lives when 10 to 12 shots were heard around 12:30 a.m. Sunday. according to the Will County Sheriff’s Office. Two people were killed and … Read more

Who is Fredrick Goss? Inmate disarms correctional officer, gets shot by another deputy


Fredrick Goss Wiki – Fredrick Goss Biography Fredrick Goss, 55, was left uncuffed and transported to a jury trial at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Mt. Vernon on Oct. 26 when he grabbed a correctional officer’s gun while bending over, according to a shocking surveillance video posted by the Illinois State Police. An Illinois inmate … Read more