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Sean Herman – Fired OnlyFans Cop Arrested for Official Misconduct

A Nashville cop fired earlier this year after he appeared in an OnlyFans skit groping a woman’s breast while in uniform has now been indicted on two counts of official misconduct. Sean Herman lost his job in May after appearing in the skit, called “Can’t believe he didn’t arrest me,” as CrimeOnline reported.

According to WTVF, Metro Nashville Police continued to investigate the incident after booting Herman from the force and learned that he was on duty on April 26 when the video was recorded as well as appearing in full uniform — with his squad car.

Police said Herman was fired promptly because he was already on a “last chance” agreement after several infractions with other officers. He had worked at the department for three years before he was canned.

Herman introduces himself as “Officer Johnson” when he approaches the woman’s car and askeds for her license and registration. She exposes her breasts to him, telling him she doesn’t have them. Then she lets Herman grope her before he grabs his own crotch and lets her off with a warning.

The video didn’t show the officer’s face, but his Metro Nashville Police Department patch is clearly visible.

“That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do and, by disrespectful, I mean to all the MNPD employees and this agency,” agency spokesman Don Aaron said in May.

Herman was given a $3,000 bond, WTVF said.