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Who is Pauline Waldron? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Arrested, Charges, Investigation

Pauline Waldron Wiki – Pauline Waldron Biography

Pauline Waldron is the New York woman accused of trying to kill her dog by stabbing the animal multiple times with a sword and attempting to behead it. The dog survived the attack and she was being cared for by veterinary professionals while she recovered, officials said.

Waldron faces an aggravated charge of animal cruelty, which is a felony in New York. She was arrested and released without bond, according to the Greene County Sheriff’s Department. The dog, named Peaches, was described as a mix between an Australian Cattle Dog and a Blue Heeler, WNYT-TV reported.

Pauline Waldron Age

Pauline Waldro’s age is unknown.

Deputies said Waldron tried to behead the dog with a sword

The Greene County Sheriff’s Department said she received a call from the Catskill Animal Hospital on June 30 about a case of animal cruelty. According to a press release, the department arrested Waldron “following an investigation.”

Officers said that, based on the evidence, Waldron had attempted to cut off her dog’s head with a sword. Investigators said Waldron was unable to decapitate the dog, but that she stabbed the animal multiple times.

Columbia-Greene Humane Society President Ron Perez told WNYT-TV that the animal was lucky to be alive after the abuse it suffered. “Probably another couple of centimeters and [the sword] would have hit the vertebrae,” Pérez said.

The dog suffered for 8 hours before Waldron’s husband took her to the animal hospital, deputies said.

The dog, Peaches, survived the stabbings. Agents said they believe the dog suffered for up to eight hours after the attack.

Captain Tracey Quinn told WNYT-TV: “I think everyone involved was surprised to see that the dog was still hanging.” Perez told Hudson Valley 360 that the dog’s injuries were among the “most gruesome” he had ever seen.

According to WNYT-TV, investigators believe it was Waldron’s husband who brought her to the Catskill Animal Hospital for treatment. He insisted to the television station that the accusations against his wife are not true. He did not speak to the on-camera television station.

Peaches survived hours of surgery and will need therapy

Peaches was rushed to emergency surgery at Catskill Animal Hospital after she was stabbed multiple times, deputies said. The procedure took several hours, according to WNYT-TV, but she survived.

The dog was subsequently transferred to a “specialized veterinary clinic” for further treatment. Pérez told WNYT-TV that the dog may need a second surgery and that he will undergo months of therapy.

He said “it will be a while before he can run and play.” Pérez added that a veterinary professional is caring for Peaches during her recovery.

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Aggravated animal cruelty is a serious crime

Waldron has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, according to the Greene County Sheriff’s Department. The charge is a felony in New York State.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund described the charge on its website:

A person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when, without justifiable purpose, he intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a pet with aggravated cruelty. For the purposes of this section, “aggravated cruelty” shall mean conduct that:

(i) is intended to cause extreme physical pain; or
(ii) it is done or carried out in an especially depraved or sadistic way.

If he is convicted, the maximum sentence in the state is two years behind bars and a $ 5,000 fine.

Waldron’s case is heard in the Cairo City Court. She was released at her own expense after she was indicted, officers said. WNYT-TV reports that Greene County is also working to create an animal abuse registry.

Five more dogs were removed from Waldron’s home

During the investigation, officials found five other dogs in Waldron’s home. Hudson Valley 360 reported that the animals included two Australian cattle dogs and three Jack Russell Terriers.

According to the sheriff’s press release, the animals did not appear to have been harmed. But the dogs were taken from the home and taken to the Columbia-Greene Humane Society. Pérez said the five dogs would likely be put up for adoption.


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