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Leonard Hector Korpie – Bar Patron Kills Manager With a Single Punch

Three California bar patrons asked to leave the establishment this week got into a fight outside the pub, and one of them punched the manager who tried to break up the fight, knocking him to the ground and killing him. Leonard Hector Korpie, 26, has been charged with homicide in the death of the bar manager, KTLA reported.

“When they reached the sidewalk, there was an argument,” Santa Monica police Lt. Erika Aklufi said. “A single punch was thrown. The victim likely hit his head on the way down to the ground, and it was those things that ended up leading to his death. This is one of those tragic examples of how when alcohol is involved in an incident, something that could be very minor ends up turning into a life-changing event that is affecting many lives.”

Santa Monica Police responded to Jameson’s Pub just after midnight Tuesday morning and took all three of the unruly patrons into custody. Only Korpie has been charged with the death of the manager. It’s not clear if the other two have been charged.

Police said they found the bar manager, a man in his 50s who has not been identified, unconscious and took him to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.