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Who is Jennifer Kristiansen? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Arrested, Charged, Investigation Report

Jennifer Kristiansen Wiki – Biography

Jennifer Kristiansen is a Portland mother and attorney who was arrested while protesting with the “Wall of Moms,” a group of women who have joined protests outside of the federal courthouse in the Oregon city. Kristiansen told Heavy she has ripped away from a line of fellow moms by federal officers who did not have any insignias or identifying information on their black and camouflage uniforms. Kristiansen also told Heavy she was groped and assaulted by the officer who arrested her. She later learned he was part of the U.S. Marshals Service.

She is the mother of a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old, was protesting at the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse for the first time on Monday night, July 21, when she was arrested. Kristiansen had decided to join dozens of other yellow-shirt-wearing mothers who had taken to the streets alongside protesters who have been at the courthouse for more than 50 days supporting Black Lives Matter, calling for police reform and an end to police violence. According to CNN, the moms were spurred to protect the protesters after the Department of Homeland Security officers sent to the city by President Donald Trump escalated violence against protesters at the courthouse.

Kristiansen worked until recently in a family law firm in Oregon who left to look for a new job. he graduated from Western Oregon University in 2004 and from the University of Oregon in 2007 with a journalism degree, and in 2015 earned his law degree from Lewis & Clark College.

Jennifer Kristiansen Age

Jennifer Kristiansen is 37 years old.


A video posted by freelance Portland journalist Sergio Olmos, which you can watch above, captured the moment Kristiansen has pulled away from her fellow moms and taken into the courthouse by federal agents. Kristiansen told Heavy she was in a line with other moms in the front of the protest when “things started to get spicy.” She said federal agents were shooting “out of the murder hole” — a designation protesters have given to holes in the wood planks on the courthouse that federal officers have fired out of at protesters — and “throwing the gas, flashbangs.” Kristiansen said the two women to her right peeled off because they were only wearing cloth masks, not a respirator like she was. She was then at the end of the line.

Kristiansen said, “We were being pushed back, we’re walking backward,” but there was a big crowd behind them. “We’re linked arm to arm, so we’re slow, but we are leaving,” she told Heavy. She said she was then pushed by an officer, who was about 6’2″ tall (she said she’s about 5 feet tall), with a baton. She then heard the woman to her left scream that the officer had hit her breast.

Kristiansen said she then used her arm that was free to put herself between her and the officer with the baton. She said if he swung again, she wanted it to be her arm that would be hit, not the other woman’s breast again. She said then, out of nowhere, another federal officer arrived. Both officers only had tags that said “police DHS,” no name tags or anything else identifying themselves or their agency, she said. “I’m a lawyer and even I don’t know what that means,” Kristiansen said.


Kristiansen was taken into custody after midnight when federal agents emerged from the courthouse and began to use tear gas, flashbang grenades, batons, and impact munitions to force the crowd gathered there to disperse, live streams of the protest showed. Court documents filed by prosecutors provide little information about the accusations against her.

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The misdemeanor information accuses Kristiansen of “forcible assault” on “Agent Victim 1,” a federal officer who was performing his official duties on July 21. It does not include any other details. It also accuses her of willfully entering the federal property and of failing to comply with the lawful direction of federal police officers.

Kristiansen was one of five protesters arrested on July 20 and charged by the Oregon U.S. Attorney’s Office, according to court records. The other four protesters were men. A 22-year-old and a 23-year-old were charged with failing to obey a lawful order, a 44-year-old, who is part of the PDXDadPod, was charged with disorderly conduct on federal property and an 18-year-old was charged with failing to obey a lawful order and disorderly conduct on federal property, records show. All have been released from custody.

Investigation Report

According to federal court records, Kristiansen, who was wearing a pink helmet and a rainbow tutu, along with a respirator mask her husband insisted she wears to help protect herself from tear gas and pepper spray, was charged with assault on a federal officer and failing to obey a lawful order, both misdemeanors. She has pleaded not guilty to those charges and told Heavy she did not assault a federal officer at any point during the protest. Kristiansen said her helmet bore the words, “I am disappointed and angry.”

The misdemeanor information accuses Kristiansen of “forcible assault” on “Agent Victim 1,” a federal officer who was performing his official duties on July 21. It does not include any other details. It also accuses her of willfully entering the federal property and of failing to comply with the lawful direction of federal police officers.

There are no records of any other members of the “Wall of Moms” group being arrested by federal authorities during their three nights at the protests near the courthouse. Kristiansen said she is not sure if any of the other members of the group were taken into custody and then released without charges.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Marshal’s Service did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Heavy.


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