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Japan Subway Attack Videos Show Suspect in Joker Costume

Disturbing videos of the Japan Subway attack shows the suspect calmly smoking a cigarette while wearing a Joker costume from the bat Man films.

The suspect, who has not been identified, is accused of injuring several people on the train and setting them on fire. You watch the videos throughout this article, but keep in mind that they are disturbing.

According to Kyodo NewsAt least 10 people were injured, one seriously, in the attack on the subway. At least one man was stabbed. Nevertheless, Japan Times reported that the injured were at least 17.

You can see the same man in the Joker costume surrounded by the police inside the train in this video.

This is what you need to know:

A video shows a fire on the train

The video above shows frantic people on the subway running towards the back of a moving train before a fire or explosion breaks out and people rush out the windows to safety.

The video shows people running in fear. The Joker video also circulated on Reddit.

The stabbings happened on Halloween in 2021. “At first I thought it was kind of like a Halloween event. But I ran out when a man came in carrying a long knife. I was very lucky not to get hurt, ”a train passenger told NHK. according to The Guardian.

According to The Guardian, a female passenger said: “He held a knife and began to spread liquid. He was committing this act without showing any emotion, just mechanically. I think that brought fear to everyone. ”

The suspect is accused of saying he wanted to ‘kill people’

「油 の よ う な も の で 火 を 放 っ た」 京 王 線 車内 で 男 が ・ ・ ・ (2021 年 10 月 31 日)東京 ・ 調 布 市 を 走 行 中 の 京 王 線 の 車内 で 男性 が 刺 さ れ 、 火災 が 発 生 し ま し た。 事件 が あ た 国 領 駅 前 前 ら 報告 で す。 (秋 秋 て す。 (秋 秋 てお そ ら く け が を し た 人 な ど が 搬 送 さ れ て い る 状態 に な っ て い ま す。 調 布 市 を 行 中 の 京 京 王 線 の 電 車内 60 代 て ま す.警 視 庁 は 殺人 未遂 の 疑 い で, 自称 · 20 代 の 男 を 現行犯 逮捕 し て い ま す.男 は, 服装 で い う と バ ッ ト マ ン の ジ ョ ー カ ー の よ う な 仮 装 を し て い た と い う 情報 も 入 っ て い ま す.警 視 庁 に よ り ま す と 、 31 日 午後 8 時 ご ろ 、 東京 調 布 市 を 走 行 中 の 京 王 線 の 電 車内 で 刃 物 を 持 っ 男 が い い る。 油 の よ う なの の 、 新宿 行 き の 特急 電車 で 5 両 目 で 発 生 し た と い う こ と で す 。60 代 の 男性 が 、 刃 物 で 刺 さ て 意識 不明 の 重 重 体 で 、 そ れ し もも も 官 が 殺人 未遂 の 疑 い で, 現行犯 逮捕 し て い ま す.東京 消防 庁 に よ り ま す と, 5 両 目 の シ ー ト か ら 出 火 し ま し た が, 若干 燃 え た 程度 で ほ ぼ 消 し 止 め ら れ た と い う こ と で す.警 視 庁 は 男 か ら 事情 を 聴 く な ど し て 詳 し い 状況 を 今 、 調 べ て い る と こ ろ で す。 [テレ朝news] 00: 54Z

The suspect is 24 years old and in custody. He was armed with a knife, according to Kyodo News. There was a separate report that the suspect used hydrochloric acid, but police had not confirmed that version, the news site reported. According to Associated PressThat account came from the Japanese media outlet NHK, which reported that the suspect in the Joker costume “poured an oil-like liquid from a plastic bottle and set fire, which partially burned the seats.”

The subway was heading to the center of Tokyo. “I heard a loud bang and saw flames and smoke in the back. Everybody was panicking, “a passenger told the Japan Times, who said that people claimed that the suspect told people that he” wanted to kill people so that he could be sentenced to death. “Beyond that, Associated Press reported that the motive of the suspect is unclear.

According to Japan Times, the stabbing is the latest in a series of train attacks in Japan. Reuters reported that a suspect in a mass stabbing in August on a Japanese train said he was targeting happy-looking women.

Shunsuke Kimura filmed the video of frightened passengers fleeing and told NHK, according to AP, that he jumped from a window after hearing an explosive.

“The train doors were closed and we had no idea what was going on, and we jumped out the windows,” Kimura said, according to AP. “It was horrible”.


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