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Who is Garrett Hilbert? Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Death or Alive

Garrett Hilbert Wiki – Garrett Hilbert Biography

Garrett Hilbert is part of Dude Perfect. He is the co-founder of Dude Perfect along with Tyler Toney, Coby Cotton, Cody Jones, and Cory Cotton. He and Tyler had started the group Dude Perfect in 2009 after their idea to buy a basketball goal to install in Garrett’s backyard, which they filmed in the first Backyard Edition video of Dude Perfect and started the channel’s popularity.

Garrett has by far the coolest votes in Cool Not Cool in Overtime history with 88 out of 104 votes. Also, he has never had a Not Cool majority in any of his articles in all 23 issues of the show.

Garrett Hilbert Age

Garrett Hilbert is 33 years old.


He married his wife, Kristin, on May 28, 2012. He has three children, Owen Ray Hilbert (February 7, 2015), Lincoln James (August 15, 2016), and Iris (April 12, 2018).

8 YEARS!!!!! Happy anniversary pumpkin! What a journey. From our first date back in high school in 2005 to now with our 3 precious kiddos! You are incredibly kind and gracious and serve our family soo well!!! You make me a better person and I’m lucky to call you mine! I love you @kristinhilbert and can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us!

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