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Who is Emad Fathy Moawad DDS? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Charges, Arrested, Investigation

Emad Fathy Moawad DDS Wiki – Emad Fathy Moawad DDS Biography

Emad Fathy Moawad DDS was arrested and charged with more than a dozen counts of se**xual assault restraint for allegedly se**xually abusing women during proceedings from 2013 to 2018, prosecutors said. The victims were between 27 and 73 years old.

“This case is especially concerning because its victims are low-income individuals and immigrants who are less likely to report crimes due to fear,” Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón said in a statement. Moawad was jailed on bail of nearly $ 2 million.

Emad Fathy Moawad DDS Age

Emad Fathy Moawad is 50 years old.

Charges – Arrested

A Los Angeles dentist was charged Monday with Se**xually abusing nine patients and charged with abusing women from low-income and immigrant communities.

Emad Fathy Moawad, 50, is charged with attacking patients who came to his office on Beverly Boulevard and Normandie Avenue between 2013 and 2018, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney. His victims during the five-year span were between 27 and 73 years old.

Moawad is charged with nine counts of Se**xual assault by restraint, three counts of Se**xual penetration through the use of force and a single count of attempted Se**xual penetration through the use of force.

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“This case is especially concerning because its victims are low-income people and immigrants who are less likely to report crimes because of fear,” said Dist. Atty. George Gascón said in a statement announcing the charges. “We are asking other potential victims to come forward and help us keep our community safe.”

Moawad appeared in court on Monday, but his arraignment continued through Wednesday.

The charges follow a lengthy investigation by LAPD Se**x crime detectives with the department’s West Office. Moawad did not return calls seeking comment on Monday.

In 2019, a patient sued Moawad in the Los Angeles County Superior Office for Se**xual assault, Se**xual harassment and Se**xual violence. The lawsuit says he operated a consultation with his wife, Katerina Moawad, another dentist. The woman, who The Times does not identify as a victim of an alleged Se**xual assault, reported her allegations to the Los Angeles police.

The lawsuit alleges that in 2017, while the patient was under anesthesia, Moawad repeatedly “abused, abused and Se**xually assaulted her.” The lawsuit alleges that her staff heard her yelling at him and accusing him of Se**xual assault.

According to the lawsuit, the incidents allegedly began with her rubbing against her chest during a visit on October 5, 2017. The patient returned for a deep cleaning under anesthesia on October 30, and the lawsuit alleges that Moawad placed his hand on her. he shirt hers and repeatedly touched her breasts.

The woman responded by screaming and told her dental assistant and secretary moments later about the alleged assault. “We know, but we can’t do anything about it,” the secretary replied, according to the lawsuit.

The woman returned to the dentist in August 2018 due to a problem with her veneers. She alleges that while she was under local anesthesia, Moawad put his hands inside her panties and rubbed her vagina. She resisted and he held her until she managed to run out of her room, covered in blood, the lawsuit alleges. In December 2018, a dental assistant recorded video of one of those attacks to end her alleged attacks, according to the lawsuit.


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