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Damon Mauk car accident: GoFundMe raises more than $12,000 in wake of tragedy

A pledge drive has been made on GoFundMe for Damon Mauk, a Lucas Whelps varsity grappler who unfortunately died in a bike crash on Sunday, June 25, in Ohio. The pledge drive, which put forth its objective at $10,000, has had the option to raise more than $12,000 up to this point.

The pledge drive was made by Stephanie Holy messenger to assist with delivering Damon’s family monetary guide for his burial service and commemoration costs.

,The youthful grappler had as of late moved on from secondary school, flagging the beginning of another part of his life. In any case, his terrible passing left numerous who realized him in outright shock. Damon’s loved ones are regretting his unexpected destruction.

Damon’s mom, Andrea Mauk Akinyemi took to Facebook on June 26 and encouraged everybody to petition God for her child. She composed that no light was more brilliant than Damon. Andrea grieved the way that she didn’t get to hold her child. She communicated that the “misfortune is boundless.”

Stephanie Holy messenger made the GoFundMe page to offer help to Damon Mauk’s family during this troublesome time. She conveyed that memorial service costs can put a family under a critical monetary weight.

The commitments in the pledge drive will straightforwardly go towards taking care of Damon’s burial service costs, including his entombment plans, transportation, dedication administration, and other related expense. Donators have likewise left their genuine messages and petitions for the family on the page.

Damon’s mom Andrea likewise shared that he had inquired as to whether he could give his organs when he gets his permit. After her child’s passing, she uncovered that Damon gave everything, really focusing on others until the end.

Lucas Club Varsity Wrestling likewise imparted the news on Facebook to a weighty heart. They depicted Damon Mauk as a “delicate goliath” and composed that he had the mildest voice and the biggest heart.

The varsity wrestling crew composed that Damon gave his every available ounce of effort in all things and had achieved a great deal. In any case, the group lamented the way that the youthful grappler had quite a lot more to accomplish throughout everyday life. They mentioned everybody to keep Damon Mauk’s mom, his family as well as the wrestling family in their viewpoints and petitions.

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