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Brother Polight Wikipedia, Biography, Age, Family, Height, Net Worth, Fast Facts

Brother Polight is an American debater, religious thinker, theologist, celebrity mentor and real-estate mogul.
• He was raised in the Brownsville projects of Brooklyn and joined the Crips gang in his youth.
• He is the founder of NuCovenant, a spiritual community based on ancient Egyptian mythology, and promotes black sovereignty, economic independence and distrust of other races.
• He has a net worth of $3 million and is active on social media, with 180,000 Instagram followers and 7,400 Twitter followers.
• He is legally married to four women and has four children, whom he homeschools.

Who is Brother Polight?

Born on 10 August 1983, in New York City, USA, under the fire sign of Leo, Brother Polight is a 36-year-old American debater, religious thinker, theologist, celebrity mentor, real-estate mogul and linguist. His endeavors are plentiful, as he is also a novelist, motivational speaker and guru. P.O.L.I.G.H.T. stands for Pride, Optimism, Love, Integrity, Gallant. Honesty and Trust. He is best known as the founder of NuCovenant, a spiritual community based on ancient Egyptian mythology, which Polight refers to as Kemetic Science. He rejects the word Egypt because its of Greek origin, referring to this country on the Nile as Kemet. Despite some theologists praising his analytical work and observations, he remains the cause of division amongst the public. He has been accused of being a cult leader, science denialist, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and much more.

Early Life and Gang Activity: Growing Up in Brooklyn

Brother Polight was born Micheal Noah – in his community, he is also known as Nysut Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re. He was raised in the Brownsville projects of Brooklyn, New York City, known as one of the most violent places on the entire East Coast – Polight’s father was killed when he was just eight years old, and he didn’t meet his mother until he was 17 and was notified that she was dying. A week after meeting the woman who gave birth to him, he lost her, too. Basically all alone, young Polight often stole and dealt drugs to make ends meet. After scoring his first big payday, he bought a gold chain, which was stolen by a member of the Bloods gang. To seek revenge and protection, he turned to the Bloods’ sworn enemies – the Crips. His hatred for the gangsters in red was welcomed by the Crips with open arms and he joined the gang.

Soon he rose to the higher ranks of the organization, which resulted in arrests for gun possession, assault, selling narcotics, assault and more. He spent several years in prison before undergoing a transformation.

Life After Prison: Organic Food, Dr. Sabi and Studies

After being released from incarceration, Brother Polight was a different man. He became a vegan, committed to only eating organic food, and opened an organic food restaurant in New York. A former cellmate of his recommended that he should get in contact with Dr. Sabi – a controversial figure in recent decades, Sabi is an holistic health and medicine guru, claiming to have cured dozens of AIDS cases with “spiritual techniques”. In addition, he is a proponent of herbal medicine replacing chemotherapy, which was met with harsh criticism from the medical community. Polight himself credits Sabi for curing his diabetes in 2006.

Brother Polight

Both in and out of prison, he studied various spiritual movements and black empowerment organizations. This resulted in him becoming the new speaker of the New Black Panther Party, as well as being a close friend of Malik Zulu Shabazz. However, the person to whom Polight looked up to the most was Dr. Malachi York, the creator of the Nuwabic School of Kemetic Science. Mixing UFO pseudoscience, black nationalism and various conspiracy theories, he created a philosophical branch devoted to black empowerment. Dr. York is a convicted child molester, but Polight claims that he’s innocent.

Teachings: Black Sovereignty

Polight focused the teachings of the NuCovenant around the concept of sovereignty – he believes that black people suffer greatly due to them not realizing the importance of individuality.

According to him, a black man or woman must control his or her own spiritual awakening, education, mental health and financial well-being. Without this, they would always live as slaves of other races and cultures. This is where it gets controversial – Brother Polight says that the only way to accomplish this is ‘pull black children out of schools, abandon all monotheistic (belief in a single God) religions, and do business with black people only.’ This, of course, was met with a lot of criticism, as Polight was accused of treason, as well as being racist and against the establishment. His explanation for such claims? In an elaborate response, he stated that Kemetian (Egyptian) gods are examples which modern people should follow. They are not true gods, while the only deity is the black woman, as she ‘gives birth to life and the ultimate creator.’

According to another statement of his, a man should serve women – a contradiction as he has four wives.


In his teachings, Brother Polight writes extensively about the relationship which black people are supposed to have towards other races. To him, racism is entirely genetic and is the product of a special gene which originated in Europe. It is inherent to white people, and thus blacks and whites will never be able to leave in peace. To make things even more controversial, Polight stated that the abolitionist movement was just a hoax to give black people the illusion of freedom – he even called Rosa Parks a government agent on one occasion. As ‘hatred is in the blood of while people’, African-Americans are not to have children with them. Children of mixed race will be ‘plagued by self-hatred, be sympathetic to their white parents and do the bidding of white supremacists.’

NuCovenant, as such, has a goal to expand and build a strong America which is racially divided because different races just don’t mix. Many prominent thinkers have labeled him as a racist and segregationist, which Polight strangely denies. Even African-American rights activists have dismissed his teachings for being racist, divisive and not in the interest of humanity as a whole.

Neurology and Gastronomy

If you thought Polight would be satisfied just with promoting neo-segregationalism, you couldn’t be more wrong. Neural development is yet another discipline this guru considers himself a specialist in. His theories have been completely rejected by the medical community, and his teachings on the subject labeled as ‘dangerous pseudoscience’. According to him, African languages are more beneficial to the brain, as they are tonal and stimulate the brain at just the right frequency (to Polight, this is 80+GHz).

Brother Polight

Speaking ‘Western languages’, is to him stulting the brain development of healthy black children. Polight himself speaks a total of seven languages, including, Nuwaupic, Napatic, Arabic, Hebrew, English, N.du Su, Ndelita, and Nabatean. He also claims to have created Nuwaupic and several other languages, which he ‘refuses to reveal’. In terms of gastronomy, Polight supports the consumption of live vegetables and herbs. White foods, to him, are the cause of pus accumulation within the body, which renders a person ‘unable to think properly.’ His health-related absurdities are now a thing of legend, and include claims that babies should suck on their placenta, and that music can ‘degrade’ the mind. He rejects modern medicine.


Here is where Polight shows the full extent of his creativity. Prioritizing stability and recommending entrepreneurship as the ultimate solution are actually two reasons with which his critics agree. He promotes independence in a financial sense, as he tries to talk people out of working for corporations and ‘making someone else’s dreams come true’. Experts in the field of economics also partially agree with his notion that it’s unethical for a bank to refuse to lend money because someone lives in a black neighborhood. Even though he has designer shoes and various jewelry items, Brother Polight criticizes black people for ‘spending too much on things that don’t mean enough.’ He also coined the term Post Traumatic Poverty Disorder (PTPD), which relates to the mental strain poor black people feel on a daily basis.

As the root of this problem, Polight cites the old system in which slaves had to perform sexual favors for their masters, just in order to earn privileges. Many African-Americans also denounced him when he said that they have an innate urge to please ‘the white man’.


Brother Polight claims that black people can’t be naturally homosexual. He states that being gay is caused by a gene which (you’ve guessed it by now, right?) originates from Europe. White people have ‘forced the demon of homosexuality upon black people’. His explanation is that more gay black men results in less black children being born, which allows white people to enslave new generations just because there is more of them. He also considers gay black entertainers as inferior people. On one occasion, he commented that Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels are only successful because they’re gay.

He accused gay people of infiltrating the black community and trying to disenfranchise them. Women are gods who should be respected, not other men. To say that Polight is homophobic would be an understatement.

The NuCovenant Scam – Brother Polight Exposed

The NuCovenant website promoted financial aid services, with Brother Polight charging up to $1,500 for the creation of an independent trust. Several people who applied for this service accused NuCovenant of scamming them, and taking much more money that even banks do. Polight’s followers were furious because their leader charged more than the ‘evil corporations’ he always happily criticized. As a result of this incident, Polight retreated from the public eye for several months. It is not yet known if he faced legal consequences for his actions or not.

Brother Polight

Other people have accused him of promising to save them from bankruptcy, only to lose all their money. His online orders are known to either not show up at all, or arrive several months later than promised. Brother Polight isn’t an authority on financial matters and economy. He doesn’t have a positive track record when it comes to providing financial services, and shouldn’t be trusted. One report revealed that he almost had his property seized by the government for tax evasion. Only a quick downpayment avoid the foreclosure of his houses and seizure of his cars.

Career as a Speaker, Writer and Celebrity Coach

According to his official Facebook page, he has released over 80 books about topics such as ‘Health, Family, Language, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Property & Business Ownership, and more to come…’

This prompted people to accuse him of copy-pasting other authors’ works, without even crediting them. Scientists have generally considered him a ‘wannabe expert who promotes pseudoscience, lies and dangerous methods’. He also makes guest appearances at events and conventions, speaking about the importance of black people rebelling ‘against the system’. In his career, he is known to have coached many prominent celebrities, amongst whom is Metta World Peace (formerly known as Ron Artest).

Personal Life: Does Brother Polight Really Have Four Wives?

Brother Polight is a supporter of polygamy and is legally married to four women, with whom he has a total of four children. All of his wives are African-American and are vegan. In a YouTube video in 2012, he introduced his children to the world and mentioned that he homeschools them. This resulted in a lot of criticism, as he was accused of indoctrination.


I love my babygirl maat31
It was her first time on the jet ski.
Now I have to do it everyday lol ?? Leo Gang. We are still celebrating our birthdays straight into scorpio season…

— Brother POLIGHT (@brother_polight) August 26, 2019

Net Worth: How Rich is Brother Polight?

Have you ever wondered how affluent this controversial writer, theologist and speaker is? According to multiple sources, Brother Polight has a net worth of over $3 million, as of August 2019. He accumulated this wealth by building a spiritual community and charging for various health and finance-related services. As controversial as he is, he still has a lot of followers, which means his net worth might increase in the future.

Online Presence

Brother Polight himself is no stranger to the trend of social media, as his dedication to posting updates on his public profiles and engaging with his fans is at a high level. He has accounts on Instagram and Twitter, with 180,000 and 7,400 followers respectively. There is also an official Brother Polight Facebook page, with 200,000 ‘likes’.

Quick Facts

Real Name Update Soon
Nick NameUpdate Soon
Date of BirthUpdate Soon
AgeUpdate Soon
Birth PlaceUpdate Soon
Height (Tall)Update Soon
WeightUpdate Soon
Body MeasurementUpdate Soon
Net Worth (approx…)Update Soon


Personal Life and Family 

FatherUpdate Soon
MotherUpdate Soon
SisterUpdate Soon
BrotherUpdate Soon
Marital StatusUpdate Soon
Husband (Spouse)Update Soon
BoyfriendUpdate Soon
ChildrenUpdate Soon
HobbiesUpdate Soon
Smoking & DrinkingUpdate Soon


Father’s name is Not Available. We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon.

The mother’s name is Not Available. We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon.

Also, we have no idea about his brother and sister, and we don’t know their names either. But we are trying hard to collect all the information about him and will update you soon.

His Girlfriend/boyfriend’s name is Not Available. They are in relation from previous few years of a strong relationship. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend.

But we are sure that it is not available and his spouse’s name is not available. Now, his relationship is perfect. We have no more information about his spouse.

Also, we have no information about his son and daughter. We can’t say their name. If you know some information, please comment below.

Education and Favorite Things

Primary EducationUpdate Soon
College or UniversityUpdate Soon
QualificationUpdate Soon
Favorite SportUpdate Soon
Favorite City/ CountryUpdate Soon


Daily Habits

 Work Time10 AM to 8 PM
Workout Time8 AM to 9 AM
TravelUpdate Soon
Breakfast, Lunch & DinnerUpdate Soon


Facebook, Instagram & Twitter

 FacebookUpdate Soon
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Net Worth

The Estimated Net worth is $80K – USD $85k.

Monthly Income/Salary (approx.)$80K – $85k USD
Net Worth (approx.)$4 million- $6 million USD