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Who is Amelia and Amanda Alves? Wiki, Biography, Age, Shot Dead, Live Stream, Investigation

Amelia and Amanda Alves Wiki – Amelia and Amanda Alves Biography

Amelia Alves and Amanda Alves were found dead on the side of a road behind a housing complex in Pacajus, Ceará, last Wednesday morning, hours after they were murdered. Video footage captured the teenage twin mothers kneeling side by side on the dirt road. Both were reportedly forced to tie their hair into a bun before 17-year-old Mateus Abreu fired a shot behind each of their heads.

While authorities have not provided a motive for the executions, the Jornal de Brasília newspaper reported that the twin sisters were killed because they had knowledge of incidents involving local drug traffickers. Abreu then fired two more shots at one of the girls and subsequently stood over the other victim and fired four more bullets. The residents of the neighborhood alerted the police after discovering the bodies at the place where they were killed. Amanda Alves leaves behind a three-year-old daughter. Amália Alves was the mother of a six-month-old son.

Amelia and Amanda Alves Age

Amelia Alves and Amanda Alves were 18 years old.

Amelia and Amanda Alves twin sister shot dead

A pair of twin sisters were mercilessly executed in a disturbing live broadcast on Instagram. The Brazilian brothers, known locally as Amália and Amanda Alves, were reportedly forced to kneel and shot in the back of the neck because they “knew too much” about a drug deal. According to the Brazilian media, the horrible images of the shooting between the mafias have gone viral and have been seen thousands of times.

The two 18-year-olds were said to be mothers and were killed on the side of the road behind a property complex in Pacajus. Authorities discovered their bodies hours after the tragedy, which orphaned Amanda’s three-year-old daughter and Amália’s six-month-old son. According to The Sun, a 17-year-old, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, has been detained on suspicion of the murder and is currently being questioned by the police.

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Jornal de Brasília reported how chilling images saw the sisters being forced to pull their hair up in a bun before the shooter fired the fatal bullets. The suspect is charged with firing two more shots at one of the sisters before firing four bullets into the other’s lifeless body. The sisters’ final tragic moments were captured in video images broadcast live on social media.

That being said, deaths that are captured on live broadcasts have become quite common as of late. Zerail Dijon Rivera, also known as the Indian Red Boy, was shot and killed in the 14100 block of Chadron Avenue in Hawthorne, California. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The suspect allegedly left the closed multi-story apartment complex before police arrived. Indian Red Boy was talking to a social media influencer and friend named Kapone on Instagram Live when an unidentified attacker shot him dead. “It appears to have been a shooting,” Lieutenant Ti Goetz said of the incident, according to the Daily Breeze. “It seems to have been a target.”

In the video that went viral after the death of Indian Red Boy, he can be seen talking with his influencer friend his and suddenly several shots are heard after which he says “Get Help” with blood everywhere. In the video, his friend can be heard saying, “What the heck?”

Wikibious also reported how Instagram and TikTok star S2K ​​Way, also known as Angel Hernandez Grado, committed suicide in a Livestream after reportedly assaulting her girlfriend and holding her captive for two days. The 28-year-old social media star shot himself on May 25 after a police chase. The police were chasing Grado after his 25-year-old girlfriend was found naked on the streets with broken ribs and bruises everywhere.

According to The Union-Tribune, Grado’s girlfriend claimed that she had kept her tied up for 48 hours in her apartment. During all this time, he sexually assaulted her, while he strangled her and hit her head with an ax. Grado threatened to buy a gun for killing her if she dared to call the police. He finally managed to escape and take refuge in a neighbor’s house, just hours before Grado committed suicide.


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