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Who is Ali Cleek? Wiki, Biography, Age, Son, Glue’ mask to toddler’s face, Video

Ali Cleek Wiki – Ali Cleek Biography

Ali Cleek was on a flight on Aug. 12 from Orlando to Norfolk, Virginia, with her husband and their two children, ages 4 and 2. Her 2-year-old daughter, Drew, was crying and wouldn’t remove her mask, Cleek told FOX. News. Drew sucks her thumb and the only way she biologically knows how to calm herself is by sucking her thumb, which is almost impossible with a mask, ”Cleek posted on Instagram after the incident.

Cleek and her husband held Drew, she said, trying to get him to put on the mask while two flight attendants stood next to them, watching. What happened next, Cleek wrote on Instagram after the incident, had her “still shaking.”

Ali Cleek Age

Ali Cleek’s age is unknown.

Ali Cleek claims Glue’ mask to toddler’s face

Her two-year-old daughter, Drew, was crying and didn’t want to put on the mask. Ali wrote on Instagram: “Drew sucks her thumb and the only way she biologically knows how to calm herself is by sucking her thumb, which is almost impossible with a mask.

“Well, two flight attendants stood over me watching as we held her down and tried to get her to put it on. Li said there were “a lot of tears from Drew and me” and claims she was left “shaking” because of what the flight attendant allegedly said next.

She added: “And then it happened… the flight attendant told me two things. “1. We could put a hole in her (his sarcasm of her was absolutely ridiculous and infuriating). Or 2. We could STICK IT TO HER FACE of her. “She added that she understands that wearing a mask is a” federal mandate. “Ali continued:” I respect it. But at some point, we have to have human decency. Compassion.

“I really have no words … I’m still shaking. And pray to God that no one has this kind of situation happening to them.” In an emailed statement to FOX News, Southwest Airlines said: “The federal travel mask mandate has been in effect since February 2, 2021, and requires all passengers over the age of two to wear a mask at all times. during the trip.

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“We [Southwest] appreciate the continued cooperation among our customers as we work, collectively, to follow the federal mandate and support the comfort and well-being of all who travel with us during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

The statement continued: “As a note, customers are reminded of the federal mask mandate multiple times before traveling. Southwest provides reminders during the reservation process on our website; in pre-trip emails sent to clients prior to departure; and as part of the Customer Health Disclosure Form that must be recognized during the registration process on the Southwest app,, the Southwest mobile website, and airport kiosks. ”

I respect it. But at some point we have to have human decency. Compassion.

Ali said she approached the airline and received a call from customer service with an apology. They said they would essentially talk to the flight crew, ”she says. Beyond the apology, Ali said she hopes there has been communication at the company about what to do in similar situations.

She added to Fox: “I know I never want another parent to cry on an airplane because his 2-year-old son will not wear a mask. “I really don’t want parents to feel like they have to hold their child to put on a mask. Nor do I want to feel that I cannot travel with my children by plane. ”


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